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Ou Story

Mountain Light Empowerment was founded by Thomas Sullivan and Serena Mann, a dynamic duo with diverse skills and a shared mission to help others. 

For Thomas Sullivan, boxing played a transformative role in instilling confidence and connecting him with his physical well-being.  Thomas became a coach and taught kids and police officers in Rhode Island before making the move to California. He had a supportive coach who served as a role model during a challenging time in his life, guiding him towards self-improvement and personal growth. Inspired by his own journey, Thomas is now dedicated to empowering others to build confidence and achieve their highest potential, just as his coach did for him. 

For Serena Mann, yoga has been a lifelong practice that has brought both physical and emotional healing. Dealing with chronic pain in her legs from a young age, yoga became a source of relief and compassion for her body. Over time, yoga evolved from a personal practice to a passion for teaching and sharing with others. Drawing on her background in dance and theater, Serena now leads yoga classes as a way to create community, inspire well-being, and foster deeper connections for everyone involved.


Together, Thomas and Serena discovered the powerful healing effects of Reiki during their studies at the Holistic Life Institute. As they progressed through the levels of Reiki training, they experienced firsthand the transformative power of this ancient practice and felt compelled to share it with others. Both certified Reiki Master Teachers, Thomas and Serena are passionate about using Reiki to create positive change in the world and empower individuals on their journey to wellness and self-discovery. 

Through their combined experiences and shared dedication, Mountain Light Empowerment was born. Their vision is to provide a supportive environment where individuals can find balance, growth, and self-discovery, while being guided by the principles of empowerment, compassion, and community.

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